Thursday, May 22, 2014


God, in His all knowing ways, gives me moments each day where the regular world slows to a crawl, the movements creep along, my focus is razor sharp and all else fades...if only for a minute. These moments are those that will remain, I hope, long after alzheimers strikes.

The moment: making cupcakes without help.

She stood beside the sink, red hair all aglow in the island lights. She was taking her time filling the measuring cup to brimming with water, all the while tip toeing her feet in place to the classical music spilling from the kitchen radio tuned to CBC. She slowly walked to the bowl, water splashing onto the counter. I said nothing, choosing to enjoy watching her rather than reprimanding her to bring the bowl closer. It won't be long before she gets it...when she knows to put the bowl beside the sink and pour the water right in, instead of walking all the way to the other side of the island to pour it out. I stood and enjoyed the great deal of concentration that played on her face, struggling to tame the sloshing, while her feet still wanted to dance...she hasn't lost that innocence yet...the world is still delightful and hers for the taking.

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