Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Simple Beauty...

Just put this little sheboppy together....thinking of using it in our school room downstairs.

And I had a good peruse-y through some of my ol photos and loved this one of the girls...that tanned skin makes me drool for summer.


And then theres this ol fave:

Annnd one more for good measure ...
 I ordered myself a whole whack of seed catalogues to stir that old dirt desire right up and get it percolatin' through my green thumbs. This picture reminds me of when we moved in and lovingly planted all that triple rated, grade A, high-end, super pricey grass seed and ran out, so we spread a little extra over the whole she-bang ...we found that 'little extra' in an old freezer at the farm...I do believe it should've been labelled properly as 'Weed seed' but alas...it was free...and we are cheap. So in doing so, we tainted the whole lot (heh heh...our whole lot..) with this beautiful specimen.
Of course, as we were diligent Dave Ramsey followers, we were waiting to ensure the proper fundage and best deal for our grass hacker .. and as we scoured the net and used equipment sites, the heavens opened and poured much needed rain all over our parched seeds. Seemed as though our 'weed seed' was extra strength and though most of our grass seed had dried up, that mustard flower was just a waitin' for a drink.
Lo and behold a week later we had a full 2 acres of the most brilliant yellow, ya ever did see. T'was a sight to behold. A beautiful house in the midst of a field of flowing weeds. Wasn't long before those weeds were knee high and full of bees. So much so, that our poor children couldn't even run to the trampoline for fear of a sting.
I threw all good sense to the wind and bought the first lawnmower my eyes did see that had a reasonable price tag. It wasn't green, I can assure you that. More of an aged orange..or terra cotta. To be honest, that first ride as it shook my internal organs and flung my body forwards and back with every move of my untrained hand (I was used to a foot control, like a car, not a hand control...like a car for the disabled..) I couldn't have cared less. It was me against those freaking yellow flowers and it felt gooood. The wilder the better...if it was hurting me, it was hurting them more. 'Take THAT you friggen flower freaks!! Ha haaa!!'  It was the pinnacle of power! And I WON.
They were gone. I woke up to brown cracked earth with slain yellow flowers strewn all about. I grinned smugly to myself as I sipped my morning coffee. Good Riddance.
It wasn't until I had uploaded those early photos of the building lot and this little jewel popped up, that I actually saw the beauty in it all. The more I stared, the more I saw. What simple beauty I had missed. 

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