Well we're in the swing of things. So much so that a weekend almost seems like an interruption. (A welome interruption of course :) I've been easing into this homeschooling thing and we've now reached our full load, I've yet to scrawl out a concrete schedule, but things are in rhythm.
I'd still like to write out our daily doings, not only for the kids to feel the satisfaction of crossing off their completed subjects but also for myself .. as evidence that we're really getting it done.
There's this overwhelming peace over our days, I know it's from the Lord and I'm ever in awe of His ways. So, so much better than my own.
I read this post today http://proverbs14verse1.blogspot.ca/2012/10/teaching-children-to-worship-morning.html from the blog ' a wise woman builds her home' and what she says rang true. The math and reading are important, but nothing is more important than giving our day to His leading and putting Him first, Our devotion time sets the start of our day. Like she says it's about whats eternally important.
Sure as shootin there are moments I want to pull my hair out, but there are far more moments that I'm able to enjoy watching them learn and grow. I'm hardly able to answer without tears when people ask how homeschooling is going. It's exponentially superceeded my expectations of what it would be like. I'd envisioned days of clutter, boredom, whining and a tired old mom who gives until she is spent. (and indeed there are these moments) but far outweighing that are lighbulb moments, peaceful moments, love, character building, sharing, talking, and a great deal of giving...but that kind of giving that feels great....like tithing or gift giving. I get to share all these special moments with my kids and God has given me the ability to teach them..and love them...at the same time!